People For Earth

Ecozoic Forum
People for Earth hosts conferences for the purpose of introducing its annual activities and achievements and to share academic knowledge and opportunities.
2023 International Conference on Earth Jurisprudence: Earth Jurisprudence, More than Human_Part 1. Earth Jurisprudence for Lawyers
  • 2023-12-19
  • 198

International Conference on Earth Jurisprudence 2023: Earth Jurisprudence, More than Human
- Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of Sun Pro Bono Center

DAY 1. Earth Jurisprudence, More than Human


Opening & Part 1. Earth Jurisprudence for Lawyers

: We reflect on the activities of legal experts who have been promoting Earth Jurisprudence in Korea along with Earth-centered keywords such as Earth Jurisprudence courses, ESG, climate lawsuit. This section also discusses public interest project outcomes and its future directions.



Opening Moderator: Bomi Kim (Attorney, Pro Bono Sun)

Welcome Address - Ki Won Yoon (Managing Partner, One Law Partners)
Keynote Speech - Kumsil Kang (Chairperson of People for Earth/Pro Bono Sun)



Part 1 Moderator: Joun Woo Park (Attorney, One Law Partners)


Earth Jurisprudence Lecture Series, Implementation and Evaluation  - You Jung Lee (Director, Sun Pro Bono Center)

Development of Earth Jurisprudence in Korea - Hyejin Jung (Director, Earth Jurisprudence Center)

Earth Jurisprudence and ESG: Triple Bottom Line - Young Ju Lee (Attorney, One Law Partners)

Climate Litigation and Earth Jurisprudence - Jaehong Lee (Professor, Ewha Womans University)



