〈Session 3〉 Diverse Approaches to
Harmony with Nature in the Context of Peace Making in Borderlands
Moderator : Dunja Krause (Research Officer,
Maria Sanchez (Coordinator, UN Harmony with
Nature Programme)
- The UN Harmony with Nature Programme: A
Non-Anthropocentric Worldview
David Havlick (Professor, University of
Colorado, US)
- The Contested Nature of Borderlands:
Ecology, Culture, and Policy
Chung Hae Kang (Professor, University of
Seoul School of Law, Republic of Korea)
- Borderlands as a Nexus between Ecosystem
Development and Earth Law in the Context of Stakeholders
Tae-hyun Park (Professor, Kangwon National
University School of Law, Republic of Korea)
- DMZ and Its Legal Entity: A New
Understanding of the Relationship between Human & Nature in the Perspective
of Earth Jurisprudence
Jian Bao Wang (Research Fellow and
Director, Institute of Advanced Humanities Study at Peking University, China)
- Responsive and Responsible Mutuality
between the Human Self and Her Ecosystem: A Spiritual Humanist Perspective
(Session 3 Video)
〈Session 4〉 Diverse Approaches to
Harmony with Nature and their Relationship with Peace and Development
Moderator : Dongsuk Oh (Professor, Ajou
Anna Grichting (Senior Research Fellow,
University of Vermont, Switzerland)
- Co-Creating Peace with Nature in the DMZ.
New Visions for Borders and Buffer zones in a Future Ecological Civilization
Klaus Bosselmann (Professor, University of
Auckland, New Zealand)
- Cross-Boundary Trusteeship of Nature
Rakhyun E. Kim (Assistance Professor,
Utrecht University, the Netherlands)
- From a Park to a Legal Person: Putting
“Nature” at the Centre of Concerns for Sustainable Peace in Borderlands
Costas M. Constantinou (Professor,
University of Cyprus, Cyprus)
- From Biocracy to Biodiplomacy: Nature,
Law, Ethics
Jun soo Kim (Researcher, Korea Advanced
Institute of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea)
- Variegated Turn(s) in the More-than-human
World: Toward the New Political Ecology of ‘State-Nature’ relations in the DMZ
Chae Won Lim (Chairman, Korea Public Policy
- The Emergence of Biocracy and Its International Spread as Epistemic Community
(Session 4 Video)
〈Session 5〉 Sustainable Development
and Transformation in Borderlands
Moderator : Sangmin Nam (Deputy Head, UNESCAP
Subregional Office for East and North-East Asia)
Fred Cocozzelli (Associate Professor, St.
John’s University, US)
- Social Citizenship across Borders
Andrea Zinzani (Research Fellow, University
of Bologna, Italy)
- Environmental Policies, Community
Politics and Informality in the Borderlands: the Political Ecology Perspective
Laura Hammond (Professor, SOAS, University
of London, UK)
- Livelihoods and Mobility in the
Borderlands of the Horn of Africa
Paul Nugent (Professor, University of
Edinburgh, UK)
- The Missing Ingredient in African Border
Management: Supporting Cross-Border Initiatives from Below
Eunyoung Jung & Young Joo Lee
(Attorneys at Law, SUN Probono Center, Republic of Korea)
- Economic and Social Development Structure
and Related Issues in DMZ, Korea
Jong Ho Han (Director, Gangwon Center for
Creative Economy & Innovation, Republic of Korea)
- Establishing an Innovative Ecosystem for
Sustainable Maintenance and Development in Borderlands of Gangwon-do
(Session 5 Video)
〈Session 6〉 Interventions by the UN
Moderator : Isabell Kampf (Head of Bonn
Office & Senior Research Coordinator, UNRISD)
Kristoffer Tangri (UNDP, Team Leader,
Partnerships & Programmes, Africa Borderlands Center)
- UNDP’s Africa Borderlands Center –
Elevating voices and unlocking the potential of Africa’s borderlands
Silja Halle (UNEP, Head of Environmental
Peacebuilding Programme)
- Supporting Environmental & Climate
Security in Borderland Regions
Kaori Kawakami (UNESCO, Chief, Emergency
Preparedness and Response Unit)
- Culture and Conflict, Peace, and
Amado Philip de Andrés (UNODC, Regional
- An experience of a UNODC Regional
Marcello Notarianni (UNWTO, External Expert
for International Hospitality and Sustainable Tourism)
- Tourism as a Driver for Peace and
Sustainable Development of Borderlands: Lesson learned, Opportunities and
Abigail Hartley (UNMAS, Chief of Policy,
Advocacy, Public Information)
- Mine Action Contribution to Peace
Building Efforts
(Session 6 Video)
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