People For Earth

Ecozoic Forum
People for Earth hosts conferences for the purpose of introducing its annual activities and achievements and to share academic knowledge and opportunities.
2020 PLZ Forum for Ecozoic Era_DAY2
  • 2021-01-23
  • 1369
[DAY2]  Session 3, 4, 5, 6

〈Session 3〉 Diverse Approaches to Harmony with Nature in the Context of Peace Making in Borderlands


Moderator : Dunja Krause (Research Officer, UNRISD)

Maria Sanchez (Coordinator, UN Harmony with Nature Programme)

- The UN Harmony with Nature Programme: A Non-Anthropocentric Worldview

David Havlick (Professor, University of Colorado, US)

- The Contested Nature of Borderlands: Ecology, Culture, and Policy

Chung Hae Kang (Professor, University of Seoul School of Law, Republic of Korea)

- Borderlands as a Nexus between Ecosystem Development and Earth Law in the Context of Stakeholders

Tae-hyun Park (Professor, Kangwon National University School of Law, Republic of Korea)

- DMZ and Its Legal Entity: A New Understanding of the Relationship between Human & Nature in the Perspective of Earth Jurisprudence

Jian Bao Wang (Research Fellow and Director, Institute of Advanced Humanities Study at Peking University, China)

- Responsive and Responsible Mutuality between the Human Self and Her Ecosystem: A Spiritual Humanist Perspective

(Session 3 Video)


〈Session 4〉 Diverse Approaches to Harmony with Nature and their Relationship with Peace and Development


Moderator : Dongsuk Oh (Professor, Ajou University)

Anna Grichting (Senior Research Fellow, University of Vermont, Switzerland)

- Co-Creating Peace with Nature in the DMZ. New Visions for Borders and Buffer zones in a Future Ecological Civilization

Klaus Bosselmann (Professor, University of Auckland, New Zealand)

- Cross-Boundary Trusteeship of Nature

Rakhyun E. Kim (Assistance Professor, Utrecht University, the Netherlands)

- From a Park to a Legal Person: Putting “Nature” at the Centre of Concerns for Sustainable Peace in Borderlands

Costas M. Constantinou (Professor, University of Cyprus, Cyprus)

- From Biocracy to Biodiplomacy: Nature, Law, Ethics

Jun soo Kim (Researcher, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea)

- Variegated Turn(s) in the More-than-human World: Toward the New Political Ecology of ‘State-Nature’ relations in the DMZ

Chae Won Lim (Chairman, Korea Public Policy Association)

- The Emergence of Biocracy and Its International Spread as Epistemic Community

(Session 4 Video)


〈Session 5〉 Sustainable Development and Transformation in Borderlands


Moderator : Sangmin Nam (Deputy Head, UNESCAP Subregional Office for East and North-East Asia)

Fred Cocozzelli (Associate Professor, St. John’s University, US)

- Social Citizenship across Borders

Andrea Zinzani (Research Fellow, University of Bologna, Italy)

- Environmental Policies, Community Politics and Informality in the Borderlands: the Political Ecology Perspective

Laura Hammond (Professor, SOAS, University of London, UK)

- Livelihoods and Mobility in the Borderlands of the Horn of Africa

Paul Nugent (Professor, University of Edinburgh, UK)

- The Missing Ingredient in African Border Management: Supporting Cross-Border Initiatives from Below

Eunyoung Jung & Young Joo Lee (Attorneys at Law, SUN Probono Center, Republic of Korea)

- Economic and Social Development Structure and Related Issues in DMZ, Korea

Jong Ho Han (Director, Gangwon Center for Creative Economy & Innovation, Republic of Korea)

- Establishing an Innovative Ecosystem for Sustainable Maintenance and Development in Borderlands of Gangwon-do

(Session 5 Video)


〈Session 6〉 Interventions by the UN


Moderator : Isabell Kampf (Head of Bonn Office & Senior Research Coordinator, UNRISD)

Kristoffer Tangri (UNDP, Team Leader, Partnerships & Programmes, Africa Borderlands Center)

- UNDP’s Africa Borderlands Center – Elevating voices and unlocking the potential of Africa’s borderlands

Silja Halle (UNEP, Head of Environmental Peacebuilding Programme)

- Supporting Environmental & Climate Security in Borderland Regions

Kaori Kawakami (UNESCO, Chief, Emergency Preparedness and Response Unit)

- Culture and Conflict, Peace, and Development

Amado Philip de Andrés (UNODC, Regional Representative)

- An experience of a UNODC Regional Representative

Marcello Notarianni (UNWTO, External Expert for International Hospitality and Sustainable Tourism)

- Tourism as a Driver for Peace and Sustainable Development of Borderlands: Lesson learned, Opportunities and Challenges

Abigail Hartley (UNMAS, Chief of Policy, Advocacy, Public Information)

- Mine Action Contribution to Peace Building Efforts

(Session 6 Video)
