People For Earth

Ecozoic Forum
People for Earth hosts conferences for the purpose of introducing its annual activities and achievements and to share academic knowledge and opportunities.
2023 International Conference on Earth Jurisprudence: Earth Jurisprudence, More than Human_Part 2. Earth System Governance and Law
  • 2023-12-19
  • 199

International Conference on Earth Jurisprudence 2023 “Earth Jurisprudence, More than Human”
- Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of Sun Pro Bono Center


DAY 1. Earth Jurisprudence, More than Human


Part 2. Earth System Governance and Law
: We share and discuss the role of governance and law in addressing ecological crises according to Earth System Science in the Anthropocene, as well as related activities in Europe.


Moderator: Kiwon Song (Professor, Yonsei University)


Earth System Law: Exploring the limits of earth and the law - Louis Kotzé (Research Professor, North-West University)
Earth system governance: A planetary governance paradigm in the Anthropocene - Speaker: Rakhyun E. Kim (Associate Professor, Utrecht University)


[Pannel Discussion]

Wontae Kwon (Director, Kyeonggi Environmental Energy Agency)
Byongjin Ahn (Professor, Kyung Hee University)
Dongsuk Oh (Professor, Ajou University)


