People For Earth

Ecozoic Forum
People for Earth hosts conferences for the purpose of introducing its annual activities and achievements and to share academic knowledge and opportunities.
2018 International Conference for Ecozoic Culture_Day2
  • 2018-11-27
  • 957
The International Conference for Ecozoic Culture 2018 was held under the theme of Ecological Transformation on the Korean Peninsula and East Asia. It was held for three days from the 12th to the 14th of October in Paju, South Korea.

Day 2 - Sessions Three, Four, Five, Six and Special Session

Session Three consisted of Special Talks under the theme of Our Efforts for Systematic Transition of Civilization.

Transition to an Ecological Civilization: Systems for a Living Earth

David C. Korten (President of the Living Economies Forum)

Eco-civilization in China When Facing the Global Crisis

Tiejun Wen (Renmin University of China)


Session Four consisted of Presentations and Group Discussions under the theme of Searching for Alternative Ecological Economic Systems.

Topic Presentations

Transition to Ecological Civilization and the Role of Social Economy

Gunna Jung (Hanshin University, Department of Economics)

The Shift to a Commons Paradigm

Zack Walsh (Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies in Potsdam, Germany)

Earth Jurisprudence and New Economic System

Chung Hae Kang (University of Seoul)


Group Discussion

The Sustainability and Metabolismof Korean Economy

Jongho Kim (Korea Environment Institute)

Escape from the Familiar System and the Process

Siwon Park (Kangwon National University)


Session Five consisted of Presentations and Group Discussions under the theme of Restructuring of Science and Technology and the Society.

Topic Presentations

Redefining the Relationship of Nature and Science

Philip Clayton (Ingraham Chair, Claremont School of Theology)

Tasks of the Scientific Technology and Ecological Era

Sungook Hong (Seoul National University)

No More Fantasies: At the Critical Point of the Relationship among

Science, Technology, Society and Environment

Song Tian (Beijing Normal University)


Group Discussion

Ecological Civilization as a Mirror of Religion and Science

Chul Chun (Hanshin University)

Search and Method of Ecological Civilization

Hee-Jong Woo (Seoul National University)

How will the democratic mobilizationof science be realized?

How will the gap between science and democracy be resolved?

SeungJin Kim (Korea University)


Session Six consisted of four presentations under the theme of Future Tasks of Eco-Culture and Continued Education

Rewilding: From the Coast of Fukushima

Keijiro Suga (Meiji University)

The Role of the Environmental Humanities in Ecological Civilization

Yunjeong Han (The Center for Process Studies, Claremont)

Exploring a New Paradigm for Ecological Education

Hong-Gee Kim (Seoul National University)

Sustainable Change Starting with Small Questions

 People for Earth Forum


The Special Session consisted of Presentations and Group Discussions under the theme of Peace on the Korean Peninsula and Ecological Vision.

Case Study Presentation

DMZ to PLZ (PLZ Festival: Peace and Life Zone)

Mijung Im (Hansei University)

Topic Presentations

Ecological Issues and Prospects on the Korean Peninsula

Woo-seok Kong (Kyung Hee University)

Humans, Nature and Time: Reflection on Reconstruction of the Korean Peninsula

Jiye Shin (The Green Party Seoul)

Group Discussion

Peace on the Korean Peninsula and Ecological Future: The Role and Response of Science

Won-Tae Kwon (The Korean Society of Climate Change Research)

Global Peace and Ecological Politics on the Korean Peninsula

 Dongsuk Oh (Ajou University)

Click the following YouTube link for video highlight of Day 2
