People For Earth

Ecozoic Forum
People for Earth hosts conferences for the purpose of introducing its annual activities and achievements and to share academic knowledge and opportunities.
2020 People for Earth’s 5th Anniversary Conference: Without Life, Where is the Future?
  • 2020-10-29
  • 1161

People for Earth’s Fifth Anniversary Conference 2020

Without Life, Where is the Future?

Host : People for Earth Foundation, Korean Thomas Berry Association

l Online Special Speech - “Human Being and Life”

John B. Cobb Jr. (Professor Emeritus of Claremont School of Theology)

  • *Session Chair :  Hong-Gee Kim (Professor, Seoul National University)


[Part 1 - Life and Self-Identity]

* Session Chair : Kiwon Song (Professor, Dept. of Biochemistry, Yonsei University)

The current civilization, based on mass production and mass consumption, is causing the sixth extinction of life at a rate faster than any other extinctions on Earth. Recent scientific research papers show that over 500 species of vertebrates, as well as numerous inconspicuous animals and plants, have become extinct over the past 100 years due to human activity, and that more than 500 species of vertebrates will disappear within the next 20 years. In this light, how can a human being, which is just a species, define its identity and establish a vision for civilization? Part One discusses the reality that life on Earth is facing and the formation of consciousness, the first step in self-organizing the components that are the essence of life. It also explores the possibility of how to extend these questions to the whole being of life.

[Session 1]
“Restless Earth and the Life on the Edge: a story about the co-evolution of the Earth and life”

Sang-mook Lee (Professor, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences Seoul National University)

[Session 2] “Life and Consciousness: self-organization through learning and memory”

 Kyoung Min Lee (Professor, Seoul National University College of Medicine)

[Session 3]  Life and Self-Identity - Panel Discussion

Wangbae Kim (Professor, Yonsei University Department of Sociology)

Hong-Gee Kim (Professor, Biomedical Knowledge Engineering Laboratory, Seoul National University)

Kyoo Lee (Professor of Philosophy, City University of New York)

Dong-jun Lee (Secretary General, Icheon Cultural Center)

[Part 2 - Ecological Culture and Eco-feminism]

* Session Chair : Seonho Choe (Attorney at law, Seonhoe Choe Law Office)

After overviewing on how Thomas Berry's ideology and eco-feminism are in line with each other, Part Two examines the trends of eco-feminism discussions and movements in Korea, as well as the responses of younger generations. By linking the wisdom of women and eco-feminism that will lead human civilization, it aims to secure practical power with modern sensibility and seek the possibility of becoming ideologically richer in the context of civilization criticism.


[Session 1] “Thomas Berry's Ecological Thoughts and Women's Wisdom”

Jai-Don Lee (Father, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Seoul)

[Session 2] “Korea Eco-feminism Meets Thomas Berry"

Jung Sook Yoon (Co-director, Green Korea), Yang Hee Kim (Director, Eco-feminism Association)

[Session 3] Q&A and discussions

[Part 3 - Earth Jurisprudence]

* Session Chair : Hyejin Jung (Attorney at Law, Director of Earth Jurisprudence Center)

An introductory book of Earth Jurisprudence, planned by P4E’s Earth Jurisprudence Center, was published by the Seoul National University Press in July this year under the title of “Jurisprudence for the Earth: Beyond anthropocentrism and towards Earthcentrism. In order to commemorate this book launching, seven speakers who are studying law present the meaning of “Jurisprudence for the Earth” and ways to spread the study of Earth Jurisprudence.

[Session 1] Youth on Earth and Earth Jurisprudence  

Hyeong-gon Kim (University of Seoul Law School)

Han-wool Kim, Jung-hwa Seo, Yeon-hwa Shin (Ajou University Law School)

Hoon-soo Shim, Sang-hee Lee (Kangwon National University School of Law)

Joon-young Jung (Seoul National University, School of Law)


